Saturday, March 8, 2008

Emergency Surgery - an episode for the memory book

I didn't make it. I went in for blood work on Wednesday and was scheduled to have an ultrasound on Monday. THEN we were going to decide about gall bladder surgery. Logically. Methodically.

But Thursday morning found me writhing in pain and throwing up without end, so off we headed at 1 a.m. to the ER. And, after waiting a miserable two hours for pain medication (two people were in life or death cardiac distress, unfortunately - for them AND for me!), I was rushed off to surgery. Now I have 4 incisions and abdominal soreness, but I'll be better soon. I'm grateful the diseased gall bladder is gone so my liver can heal and the pain will never be back!

When I feel better, I'll write more about my hospital escapade. It was an interesting adventure that ended up with me recovering in a chair after surgery - much to my daughters' chagrin. "Can't my mama get a bed after her operation? For the love....!"

1 comment:

Chip B said...

A chair? There better be a good reason for that one.

[This is actually the word you say when you need your gall bladder out. NOW.]