Friday, October 3, 2008

The empty, full, empty nest

Marriage is an interesting journey we each experience. The bookends are empty nests. The part in the middle is full of children, school work, activities, sports and family events.

There are some great things about being at the "second bookend" of life. We are right where we were when we got married - time together, no demands on our time, no race to get home at night, no bedtimes... Such a shift in our thinking. It's hard to believe that we can actually do whatever we want to now. Stay up late, skip a meal, eat any time, sleep in, do less laundry and not worry about homework deadlines. That part is wonderful.

What is also wonderful is realizing we are still best friends. We love being together, even it's just "being".


Sharliss Jane Arnold said...

"Being" is my favorite part! God sure has used this season we are in to show us once again how great we are together, as a team, best buddies and yes, bookends! David is better than sliced bread, fried green tomatoes and my next breath. You two were two of our first examples of that. Love you both, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet post... and a good reminder to those of us who are in the middle have you maintained your friendship? I hear all of the time it seems about people who find they don't have anything in common anymore after they send their children off. I would love to hear your advice on staying connected through these years filled with the demands of small children

AtlantaMama said...

you've been tagged!!! go to to see what you should post next!!

A Southern Wedding Belle said...

Good post. Good description of this season of our lives. It sure takes some getting used to - especially when my new empty nest has come with a long distance move away from all that is comfortable for me! It isn't getting any easier either! Sorry to tell you that I have tagged you for the six quirky things about you. See my blog for the rules and do it if you want to. I love you - Debbie