Friday, February 1, 2008

Learning from the Tears

Tonight was so exciting. For only the second time since August, I got to babysit for my grandson. I couldn't wait for him to get here and when he woke up and saw us, he played in such a joyful way that my heart melted just hearing him laugh. But, that didn't last long. Just a few minutes after the giggling and laughter, I noticed him sitting in Ellen's lap with his bottom lip stuck out and a frown coming over his cherub face. Uh oh. Here it comes...

Yep, the lip launched more than an hour of screaming and fighting the sleep he needed. I did everything. I rocked. He screamed. I put him in a dark room with music and rested beside him, talking softly. He screamed. I walked with him. He screamed. I tried a teether. He screamed. I gave him the pacifier (a misnomer tonight). The pattern continued. I checked his diaper. I gave him something to drink. He was not just crying. He was crying hard - and loudly. My heart broke. I couldn't seem to help him.

As I stood in the dark, swaying back and forth with my precious grandson swaddled in a blanket in my arms, I thought, "No matter what, I love you." And God spoke to my heart quickly and clearly, "That's how I feel about you. Even when you go kicking and screaming because I want you to do something you don't want to do. Even when you cry over something. Even when you don't want to cooperate and aren't acting very sweet and lovable. My love never changes. You are just as precious to Me when you're fussy as when you're laughing. The way you behave has no effect on how I feel."

I think tonight I figured out what unconditional love means. As I gave it, I experienced it.


carolineb said...

I've never felt so loved by God as when I look at my children.

AtlantaMama said...

I'm glad God spoke to you thru this. However, next time I'll be sure he's down for the night BEFORE I leave so you won't have to go thru the "over" sleepy nonsence again. = ) Thanks for being a great (as in wonderful) grandmother and mother.

PS - you look so skinny!!

Chip B said...

I can't believe you're a grandmother. Not to mention that you have a daughter old enough to be a mom. That's just ... weird.

Harrison apparently started a game where you have to make up a phrase with the word verification code for making a comment. You're supposed to do it fast ... it's a good challenge for writers.

"I laughed out loud over Kaye."

Stop by the blog sometime ... I've got to add you as one of my choice bloggers now.