Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Letting Go

I'm not good at it. I never have been. I don't let go easily and I don't give up. I keep churning things over in my mind and thinking of ways not to let go. But I have to now.

My baby is going off to college... in another state. I won't know where she is, who she's with or what she's doing. I won't be there to remind her to study, remind her of appointments, remind her to get gas for her car or remind her to eat properly. She's going to make mistakes. I did. I just hope they are minor ones.

I've been praying a lot. And yet, it's still difficult to release my daughter and go to a position of total trust. I suspect kids going off to college is as much about the Lord working in the parents' lives as it is about working in the children.

And I have a lot to learn.


Mari said...

I feel the same way about homeschooling it's as much about teaching my kids as what the Lord is teaching me and refining in my character (and it's ugly sometimes). I too have a lot to learn.

Sharliss Jane Arnold said...

Another chapter, but I know you will not put that book down, you will continue to read all the way until the end. I am proud Kaye, you have done well, rest and let the Lord prove He Is In Control. The wind will blow and the storms will be all around her but you will always be the calm she knows she can come to. That is so important....Grace and Love.

Blessings Sharliss

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

I think the whole process of parenting is as much about us (the parents) learning what God has to teach us as it is about us teaching & guiding our children. I've learned SO much about the character of God since I became a parent, but there is ever so much more left to learn.

AtlantaMama said...

it's like a new season of life for all 3 of yall. I can't believe she's going to COLLEGE!!!!!!!!

Chip B said...

Hang in there ... and learn a lot about how to cope so you can tell us the best way to handle it in about ... oh, 14 years (when Chaz graduates.)

I just got really tired. Why?


Anonymous said...

I can't believe Ellen is going to college!! She will grow so much. I know it's hard, but you have to trust that you've taught her what the Lord intended you to in the eighteen years you had her "under your roof". And, you still have a few summers to hang onto, I'm sure!!! :)

Jennie B said...

Someone said "having a child is like having your heart walk around outside your body". They don't realize how very vulnerable we are to them! It's how much we love them that makes us ache so.

Hard to believe that the God of the Universe feels the same way about us!

You're a great mom, Kaye, and an example to many including me.

AtlantaMama said...

how did the move go today?

how are you holding uo?

AJ Macc said...

Hope you are beginning to enjoy the empty nest - takes some getting used to at first, but they usually come back again and again -so don't get too used to it!! I tagged you on my blog to list 6 quirky things about yourself on your blog (yes, you can thank my daugter, she tagged me and I HAVE to follow the rules!!). You can find the rules on my blog ( We miss you Marietta folk!!!!